PhotoShopped by Kristena
Love Out of the Closet – (LOFTC)
Help for Christian in the LGBTQ lifestyle, and for the loved ones that support them, while continuing to stand firm for Christ.
This ministry is new and just in the baby steps of development.
We do have a FaceBook page.
Please direct your friends in need, to this new site, It’s still very new, but I believe this is of God and will grow quickly.
The FB site is a private group.
It’s in search, but people need to request to join.
All communication and posts are private.
Its purpose is to be a safe place to spill the pain, and ask questions, that go along with being a Christian and finding the love of God in our lives, whether presently in a LGBTQ lifestyle, or a friend or family member of them.
Jesus said “Come to me ALL who are weary and heavy ladened, and I WILL give you rest.”
Here’s the ministery email…
again, I’m just in the building stage, but I need a prayer team.
If you, or anyone you know, would like to be on the prayer team…
or need prayer,
please email.
Please pass on to those in need or you feel would like to help.
Love, prayers, and blessings
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