Author Interview

Interview with Stacey Weeks

ღ About Stacey Weeks ღ

Stacey writes faith-filled contemporary romance and romantic suspense with strong female leads and imperfect heroes. She is a multi-award-winning author, conference speaker, and Bible study teacher. She loves to read and will try almost any creative pursuit at least once. Stacey lives in Ontario with her husband of 25 years and three children. When she is not writing, she is probably jogging the trails, homeschooling her kids, or trying out a new recipe.

What is the genre you write?

I write in contemporary romance and romantic suspense. 

What is the farthest place from home that you’ve traveled?

We travelled to China for twelve days when we adopted our oldest child. It was a fantastic trip!

What is your favourite Bible verse and why?

1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 
I love this verse because it reminds me that I write for the glory of God. Not fame. Not recognition. Not money. I write for the glory of God’s name. This verse humbles me by reminding me that I must keep God first. In his wisdom, He might see fit to bless me financially, but if not, I receive it as good from His hand. The only part of writing I can control is the quality of the story and the message it communicates. So, I focus on that and leave the rest to God. 

Do you have a favorite time or place to write?

I rise before the children wake and reserve those early hours for the Lord. I spend time in the Word and prayer. I’ve found that when I prioritize the most important things in life, not allowing hobbies or personal interests to shove aside the absolutes to which God has called me, I manage my remaining available time better. The majority of my writing occurs before the household awakes. As a home-schooling mom, my days are spent teaching the children, but I might find a few hours in the afternoon or evening to pick up my latest work-in-progress. I enjoy trading fiction writing with non-fiction. The intensity and emotional investment for each are vastly different, providing a sweet mental break. I am always thinking about my story.

Where did you get the inspiration for your latest book?

The Sycamore Hill series grew from a collection of short stories I wrote for my readers. At the encouragement of my writing group, I expanded the main characters’ stories and placed them all in the same small town. Book one in the series, The Sycamore Standoff, was inspired by several articles about communities rallying around heritage trees to save them from destruction. I also researched trees and how they grow, communicate, and live in a community. I loved the community connection, and the story grew from there.

How does your faith and spirituality work in with your writing?

I love how a story can convey profound theological truths in a compelling and applicable way. I love being lost in a character, thinking and feeling as deeply as them, struggling to find God in their broken dreams, and knowing—as the writer—their happy ending is with their Saviour.

What do you plan to work on next?

I’m finishing the Sycamore Hill series. Book two, His Sycamore Sweetheart, is in edits and releases in September. In it, Gloria and Owen navigate the messy (and sometimes hilarious) muddy water of dating in the public eye. I’ve completed the draft of book three, The Sycamore Slopes, where Emma and Ben attempt to unite the split town before an avalanche of trouble buries them. I’ve outlined book four, One Sycamore Sunday, where the events of a single day change everything for Kim and Jackson. The final book in the series, book five, A Sycamore Secret, is only a seed of a story, so planning it is next on the list.  

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ღ Stacey Weeks Latest Book ღ

The Sycamore Standoff (Small-Town Contemporary Romance Series Book 1)

She wants independence. He wants her affections. They’ll have to face her past for any chance of a future.
Meg Gilmore escapes an abusive relationship and rebuilds her life, but her victory is short-lived. Change threatens her new refuge, and she underestimates her adversary. But Meg is a fighter. She will do whatever it takes to protect what she loves. Her past catches up with her present and uproots everything she has built, including a fragile and growing friendship with a kind and generous man. The freedom and love Meg has always wanted is hers for the taking, but she’ll have to confront what truly terrifies her to claim it.

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