Today is Black Friday. The biggest shopping day of the year.
I’ve never been a Black Friday shopper. I’m one of those people that likes to wait until the last minute. I’ve never even been one to put Christmas decorations up until the first week of December.
I like to take the day after Thanksgiving to rest up from all the hustle of last minute cooking from the day before. It’s a day to relax at home and maybe even lazy half the day away in our jammies watching old movies. For me it’s a family day.
This year, however, I am, for the first time, shopping on Black Friday. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, I will be shopping for my family before this blog is even posted. I’m excited about what I’m planning to buy. I already have it in my online cart and I’m just waiting to push the “purchase” button.
Oh… I still plan on doing some last minute shopping in the stores. I can’t break my favorite tradition, but I have to say I’m kinda proud of myself for having my shopping done early. It’s a first for me.
And I still plan on sleeping in, lounging half the day in my jammies and snuggling with my husband and best friend while we watch our favorite shows and movies.
I might even dress after the day is almost over and venture outside… maybe.
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