Blog Post

Thanks For Your Patience

I want to take a moment to thank all my readers for their patience the last few weeks.  I have had a few issues with my site that hit at a very inconvenient time; when I was going out of town.

Unfortunately, this issue has led to the loss of many on my subscriber list. If you have been wiped off, I want to send my deepest apologies and ask that you resubscribe.

I ask all my loyal readers to check and make sure you are still subscribed. If you find that you need to re-enroll, please do so.  I am so sorry for the need to do this but I am very happy you are here and willing to put up with me through this issue. Please work with me and let me know what needs to be resolved and changed. If there is a problem, go to the communication tab and send me a note.

Thank you all again. Without all my wonderful readers, this site would have no purpose.  You are the reason I’m here!

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