
Tuesday Talks – Interview with Rachel Hauck

Rachel Hauck is an award-winning, New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her book, The Wedding Dress, was named Inspirational Novel of the Year by Romantic Times Book Reviews. She is a double RITA finalist and a Christy and Carol Award Winner. Her book, Once Upon A Prince, first in the Royal Wedding Series, was filmed for an Original Hallmark movie and aired in April 2018.  Rachel has been awarded the prestigious Career Achievement Award for her body of original work by Romantic Times Book Reviews. A member of the Executive Board for American Christian Fiction Writers, she teaches workshops and leads worship at the annual conference. At home, she’s a wife, writer, worship leader, and works out at a local gym semi-enthusiastically. Hi Rachel, tell us a little about yourself and how you were raised.

 RH: I was raised in the Midwest and the South, the second oldest of five kids but the first girl so, you know, that makes me THE oldest. Haha. Don’t tell my brother. My parents were the best, loved Jesus and their kids.

After high school, I worked my way through college and graduated from Ohio State with a degree in Journalism. I bleed scarlet and gray. My first corporate job landed me in Melbourne, FL, and I’ve been here ever since.

I’m married to the coolest dude ever and we have an ornery cat who keeps us up at night.

What’s your favorite genre to read and write? Who’s your favorite author?

RH: I am really attracted to contemporary fiction as a reader. Stories by JoJo Moyes, Beatriz Williams, Patti Callahan Henry, Kristin Hannah and Marc Levy are go-tos for me. I don’t have a favorite author. I just love good stories.

 What age did you realize you loved books? When did you start writing?

 RH: I loved books from a young age. I used to read a lot as a kid. I wrote chick lit before it was chick lit by penning a story about a girl who loved New York City when I was 12.

 Tell us about this book. What did you learn about yourself through writing it?

 RH: The Love Letter is a split-time romance set in the upcountry of South Carolina during the Revolutionary War, and in modern-day Hollywood.

I was intrigued with the concept of unfulfilled love. You know, the one that got away. What happened if their descendants met and fell in love?

I learned some great American History writing this book and some cool insights into the movie-making world!

Do you normally use an outline for the books you write, or do you just start with a few ideas?

 RH: I do a lot of character work before I start then I plug those elements into a high-level plot map. I write a long “tell myself the story” synopsis and submit that to my editor for input. That process takes about a month. Then I start writing. Deadlines wait for no one or no thing.

 Is there a special place you like to write?

 RH: I have a super cool octagon office with a copula so I write up there most of the time. I also like to sit out on our back deck-which is where I am now and the passing thunder had me concerned.

What was something that surprised you in the way this book unfolded? What character do you like best?

RH: Books always surprise me the way they unfold. They never match the original idea in my head but I wrangle with it to get the story I want. However, while writing I look for themes and threads that “ping” off each other to really tie the story together. And I talk a lot to God.

What advice would you give a new author?              

RH: Stick with it! Don’t give up. Learn the craft.

 What project are you working on now and how do we find your books?

RH: I just finished a book called The Memory House. Coming soon in 2019. 

Where can we find your books?

 RH: Find me and all my books at







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