Blog Post

It’s Getting Close

I’m so excited to update you on the news about my book.

It’s almost here!
I was planning on a book launch in January, but I have surgery coming up and I want to be well enough to do some book readings and signing, so I’m pushing the launch back to March.

I have a few dates to share with you.
Mark these on your calendar and keep your eyes open for more information as the times get closer.

I’ll be having my Cover Reveal the 3rd week in February.
It’s complete now and came out soooo much better than I had dreamed it would. I worked with an amazing designer. I love her work.
I’m going to try and snag her for an interview on my blog soon.

I’m planning on having my novel up for pre-sale on February 23. This may be the same date as my cover reveal, but it’s also my Granddaughter’s birthday, so this date may need to be adjusted.

And then I launch.
The date I’m planning now is March 23, 2021.
I will be publishing in Kindle, Paperback, Large Print, and Audiobook.
I want to make sure every need is covered. I have people in my family who are partially blind, as I also am, so it’s very important to me to have every avenue covered so everyone can enjoy a good book.

That’s the news and I’m so jazzed.
Keep an eye open for updates be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to get this news first.
Also, be sure to update your whitelist to include emails from me so they don’t get sent to spam.

And Thank you for all your support. This wouldn’t be happening without all of you.

Views: 139

2 thoughts on “It’s Getting Close

  1. Good luck with your new book launch Kristina. My first book just came out. You can find it on my Twitter pinned tweet under my profile @namaferd. I have a 2nd book coming on Jan.28th that is in my Twitter bio. I am learning how to market as I go. It’s a step learning curve for sure. Merry Xmas!

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