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Tuesday Talks – Interview with Colleen Coble


Today we have the honor to hear from Colleen Coble. Colleen has been writing for quite a while now and has a number of books under her belt. The book we’re going to be hearing about today is called The View for Rainshadow Bay. Tell us a little about your new book. What is the main storyline?

The View From Rainshadow Bay is the first in my new Lavender Tides series. Shauna is a widow with a young child. Her husband died in a climbing accident with his best friend, Zach, and she blames him for the accident. He also blames himself, but they must work together to solve the danger swirling around Shauna.

That sounds very interesting. Climbing is a lot of fun but can be very dangerous. So, this isn’t your first book. How long have you been writing?

My first book, Where Leads the Heart, was published in 1996, and I’d been writing seven years before it was published. When I got the call Barbour was going to publish the book, I screamed so loudly the cat hid under the bed and wouldn’t come out for hours. I called my pastor and his answering machine picked up. I was babbling and crying so hard he thought someone had died and didn’t know who to call back. True story!

I can imagine! I’m still waiting for that moment. When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?

I wrote my first story in first grade. The teacher praised it, and the dream began to have a book in the library, someday!

What inspired you to write this book?

I’d read an article about how fracking was causing earthquakes, and the idea for the plot started from that.

Did it turn out the way you first thought it would? If not, what was different?

Well, I never quite know how a book will turn out! I’m a seat of the pants writer, and I don’t know until the characters take me on the journey with them.

How long did it take you to write? Tell us a little about the process.

I wrote the rough draft for the book in about 3 months which is typical for me. I usually spend several weeks researching and the story often springs from some of my research. After the rough draft is finished, I usually spend a month or so tweaking and polishing it up.

It sounds like you have that process honed nicely. Did you need to do any special research?

I had to do some research on fracking and on earthquakes.

Do you have a special place or atmosphere you like to write in best?

I usually write in my office by a big window looking out into my peaceful neighborhood. I like quiet.

Are you like your main character?

All of my main characters have a piece of me in them.

What character do you relate to or like best?

I really love Shauna and Zach. They make a great couple.

Did you learn anything new about yourself while writing this book?


Okay, what project are you working on now?

I’m working on the 3rd book in the Lavender Tide trilogy, and it’s going great!

What advice would you give a new author?   

Read, read, read. Read widely in the genre you write. Then keep writing. You learn to write by writing. Also, it’s imperative to attend a writing conference at least once a year. You can learn more about writing plus you can network with authors, agents, and editors.

I agree. I’m going to one on Thursday. How many books have you written and how can we find them?

I think I’m about at 65 now including novellas. My website is

Thank you so much for your interview, Colleen.

I hope all of you in my blog land enjoyed it also. Now go read a book! 🙂

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