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Tuesday Talks – Interview with Naomi Miller


We have a wonderful author with us today.  Please welcome Naomi Miller. Hello Naomi, tell us a little about your new book. What is the main storyline?

My newest book is Chocolate Truffle Mystery. . . and it’s a continuing saga in the Amish Sweet Shop Mystery series. In this story, Mr. and Mrs. O’Neal reveal how they each left on vacation and returned together—married. . . a relatively new character, Bella Stanton, makes a surprising announcement. . . and Katie Chupp, the main character in the series, begins a relationship with a young man from the community.


Sounds Good. I love Amish books. How long have you been writing?

Actually, I’ve been writing for most of my life. I loved writing even when I was in elementary school, but I began writing seriously in my thirties. Life and commitments got in the way and I never finished the story (but I kept it and someday plan to finish it). A few years ago, I began again and didn’t stop until I finished a novel.


Life can get in the way at times. I’m glad it didn’t stop you. What inspired you to write this book?

I’m glad you asked. Once I finished the first draft of my first novel, which is an Amish suspense story, I felt God was leading me to put it away for awhile and to write several stories that center around family, faith, forgiveness. . . and grace. I held off for a few months, but eventually wrote the first one, which was a huge success. By this time, I knew what I wanted the next story to be about. . . and I kept going until I had six stories.

My readers tell me they love the delicious-looking covers, the stories found inside, and the recipes included in the books, so I must be doing something right.


I love the covers too. How long did it take you to write? Tell us a little about the process.

I write full-time now, which is lovely. Each book is a little different. These mystery series are what I refer to as short novels (about the length of a novella, but the story is more complete). These take a few weeks to write, another few weeks to edit/re-write, and (after the editor sends back their notes) another week or so, to finish.


I can’t wait until I can write full time. I’m so jealous! Did you need to do any special research?

Yes, including lots of reading, in addition to visiting several Amish communities.


Do you have a special place or atmosphere you like to write in best?

Not really. It’s easiest when I’m not interrupted a lot, but I live with my grandchildren so I’m used to interruptions. When I’m on deadline, I write early morning or late at night, when it’s quiet.


So, we all have our favorites, what character do you relate to or like best?

My favorite character (at the moment) in the series is Amelia O’Neal. When her husband died, she was brave enough to move away and begin a new business. She’s a great example to the community, helping out whenever she can, and she was brave enough to eventually remarry – to a feisty Irishman!


Did you learn anything new about yourself while writing this book?

I learned first and foremost that when I listen to God, success will follow. I didn’t think writing a short novel with no heart-pounding, gut-clinching action would hold anyone’s interest. Instead, readers from all over are enjoying the sweet stories with a gentle, light-hearted mystery.


What project are you working on now?

This year I’m changing up a little and beginning a new series called The Amish Sweet Shop Romance stories. This series will include most of the same characters. The first story is supposed to release just before Christmas.


That sounds good too. What advice would you give a new author?  

Learn as much as you can about writing, editing, and marketing, but the most important thing is to stay true to your craft. And to never, ever give up!


How many books have you written and how can we find your books?

I have written fourteen books so far. The Amish Sweet Shop series’ newest story is Peach Cobbler Mystery, which is scheduled for release in June 2018. The Windy Gap Wishes series includes A Mother For Leah, a wonderful Amish Romance that I co-wrote with my daughter, Rachel L. Miller. I have also written several children’s books in the Adventures of Sophie Kitty series.

Universal links are listed below for published books:

Blueberry Cupcake Mystery –

Christmas Cookie Mystery –

Lemon Tart Mystery –

Pumpkin Pie Mystery –

Chocolate Truffle Mystery –

A Mother For Leah –

Sophie Finds a Family –

Sophie Celebrates Thanksgiving –
You can find these, plus lots more information on my website:


Do you have any closing comments for us today?

Don’t be afraid to follow your heart. . .


Great advice. Thank you for the interview!




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