Rachel Dylan is here with us today for an exciting interview. Tell us a little about your new book. What is the main storyline?
Lone Witness is the second book in the Atlanta Justice series. Sophie Dawson is a prosecutor taking on a crooked bank employee, but her life is threatened when she becomes the only witness to a double homicide involving a gang. Former police officer turned security guard, Cooper Knight is hired to protect Sophie from all the danger that surrounds her.
I love suspense books! How long have you been writing?
I’ve always loved to write, but I wrote my first manuscript in 2010. I became published with my first Love Inspired Suspense book in 2014.
What did you first know you wanted to be a writer?
Growing up, I loved to write poetry, journal, and write stories. So I would say that I’ve always been a writer.
What inspired you to write this book?
I knew I wanted to write a book about a prosecutor, but when I had the idea about the prosecutor becoming an actual witness, then I knew I really wanted to explore that concept. It’s a joke in the legal profession that lawyers make awful witnesses. So it was fun to write about that topic.
Sounds like you know your subject and characters. Did it turn out the way you first thought it would? If not, what was different?
Not exactly. Often my books take me places I didn’t envision. But for suspense, I think that only adds to the story.
How long did it take you to write? Tell us a little about the process.
I still work full time as a lawyer, so I write on the weekends. That usually means getting up super early and spending a large chunk of Saturday at my computer. This book took a few months to write. I am not a plotter at all. I figure things out as I go. I could never do a detailed outline for a book because my creative side doesn’t work like that.
That’s the way I write too, and I love when the characters surprise me with their actions. Did you need to do any special research?
I interviewed an actual prosecutor in Atlanta to get some really great insight into the process. It was great to bounce my ideas off of her and see how they could fit with what could possibly happen in real life.
Do you have a special place or atmosphere you like to write in best?
I usually write at the kitchen table or at my desk. Sometimes I listen to music, and other times I don’t. It depends on what kind of mood I’m in. My furry editors are usually somewhere close by. I love animals and have 2 dogs and 3 cats.
Are you like your main character?
Definitely not from a physical perspective. LOL. I think I’m a softie like Sophie, but that’s about where the similarities end.
What character do you relate to or like best?
It’s hard to choose a favorite character. I relate to all three leading female attorneys in this series in different ways. It’s fun to create characters that share my profession but then given them their own unique personalities.
That is a good part of the fun in writing for me too. What project are you working on now?
I’m finishing up revising Breach of Trust which is the third book in the series.
What advice would you give a new author?
Never give up and make sure you keep your passion and joy in writing. Write the story in your heart, not the story someone else wants you to write.
How many books have you written and how can we find your books?
Lone Witness will be my tenth book. You can visit my website and find links to all my books. They are sold online and at retailers!
Do you have any closing comments you have for us today?
I hope you check out the Atlanta Justice series. They can be read as standalones, but I think it’s even more enjoyable to read them as a series.
What to learn more about Rachel Dylan and her books? Visit her website at http://www.racheldylan.com/
or find her on Amazon
Views: 87
Stay safe Sophie!
I am happy to find another writer of romantic suspense.
I read Deadly Proof and loved it! I am excited that Lone Witness is now available! Thanks for sharing.
I love Rachel’s book great interview