Author Interview

Tuesday Talks – Author Interview – Bill Briscoe

Today we have the privilege of speaking with Bill Briscoe about his new release, the second book in The Pepperman Mystery series, Panic Point. Welcome Bill, tell us about your newest book?

Panic Point, a thriller released in March 2019, features former Navy SEAL Earl Helmsly. He is honeymooning with his bride in the Smoky Mountain National Park in Tennessee. He walks to a waterfall early one morning and upon his return discovers the camp in disarray, the tent collapsed, and his wife gone. He is convinced she’s been abducted.

Here’s the twist. I interviewed several national park rangers and each said abductions in national parks are rare. But there is a reason it could happen in Panic Point. 

Tell me about your favorite authors.

Harlan Coben and James Patterson are my favorite authors in the genre I write. I plan to attend Bouchercon 2019 in Dallas in the fall. It’s an annual crime fiction event for the mystery community—fans, authors, agents, booksellers, publishers and other people who read and enjoy mystery and crime fiction. James Patterson is one of the guests of honor. I hope to meet him.

Is your favorite genre to read the same as what you like to write?

No, I like to read autobiographies and historical non-fiction. A couple of books I’ve enjoyed are Killing Patton and Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly.

How do you feel writing has affected your relationship with God?

I feel like God wants me to write. I think it pleases him that I do. Since I started this process, I’ve met new people who have become so important to my research I acknowledge them in the back of my books. God sent them my way.

How long does it normally take you to write your books?

It takes about twelve months. With Panic Point, I spent a considerable amount of time doing research before I began to write. I took two trips to Tennessee so I could walk that same path that Earl walks.

Is there a special place you like to write?

Most of my writing takes place at the breakfast table, in my man room, or at the Canyon Area Library. I start with a spiral notebook and a blue BIC pen.

What do you find to be the most challenging when writing?

My biggest challenge is staying focused to write at least five days a week.

What advice would you give a new author?

Don’t get discouraged. Be open to constructive criticism. KEEP WRITING!

Tell me about your books and what projects are you working on now.

My books are part of The Pepperman Mystery Series with Jim Pepperman being the lead character. He was introduced in Pepperman’s Promise: Prequel to the Pepperman Mystery Series. This book is contemporary fiction but lays the groundwork for the characters in the mystery stories. Jim appears in each book as the lead or in a supporting role. They are all stand-alone stories.

I’ve got two projects going on now. Panic Point, Book Two of The Pepperman Mystery Series, is with a narrator for production on Audible.  This audio book should be ready to hit the market by the end of August.

Book Three of the series, which is still unnamed, is based on a journal Jim Pepperman finds in his attic. It was written by Jim’s dad’s cousin Hans Pepperman in 1936 Berlin, Germany. The journal ends abruptly in 1939. Jim wonders what role Hans played in German politics at such a controversial time prior to the start of World War II.

When will you name the new book?

I’m waiting for the right words. All my book titles start with the letter P. That is part of my branding. I’m looking for strong, powerful P words. If you would like to suggest a title for Book Three of the series, send me an email at

How do we find your books?

My books are available on Amazon, B&N, Apple, and KOBO.

Pepperman’s Promise: Prequel to The Pepperman Mystery Series

Perplexity– Book One-The Pepperman Mystery Series

Panic Point-Book Two-The Pepperman Mystery Series

Check out my website If you sign up for my mailing list on the home page, I’ll give you a link to download Pepperman’s Promise for free.

Other ways to contact me:

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1 thought on “Tuesday Talks – Author Interview – Bill Briscoe

  1. Last year’s family vacation was to Smoky Mountain National Park. We spotted a number of bears when we drove around Cades Cove and the kids enjoyed swimming in the falls. I’m sure we’ll return again after we’ve visited a few other parks.

    I’m a fan of books set in National Parks! When I was still book blogging, I hosted Authors, Novels and National Parks during National Park Week. When I searched for Bill’s books on Amazon, I noticed that they are not listed as Christian Fiction. If they are, I’ll gladly add them to my Goodreads Listopia “Christian Fiction set in US National Parks”.


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